Free short story - Dr North's Wound
My gothic tale, Dr North's Wound was published in the anthology, Breaking Windows: A Fantastic Metropolis Sampler (Prime Books). The story also received an honourable mention in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror. Yes, I write crime, horror and science fiction stories - among other things. You may wonder if this is suitable material for a counsellor to be working with. My reply is: why not? I happen to love these genres. And on a subconscious (and sometimes conscious) level, my stories are about people dealing with difficult things in life. How people react and behave when pushed to the edge is something which is fascinating in itself, but I also believe that confronting our fears - whether that's reading Stephen King novels or going to horror movies, or going on the scariest roller coaster you could imaging - is a positive, creative act. And, what the heck, genre fiction is also great fun. It was only my third published story, and I'm still quite proud of it.
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